Dear friends in lockdown. I've made a little video for our children. I've been thinking about them so much. Knowing how hard lockdown is for so many of them. I'm not able to upload it here, but it is on my Facebook page. Watch it - and share it with your children - if you'd like to. So much love to you all, Atinuke
1 Comment
5/16/2020 06:15:58 pm
Dear Atinuke. My family and I absolutely LOVE your books. My partner and I read the whole Ana Hibiscus series to our twins several times, translating them on the fly into Spanish. As an elementary school teacher, the last several books of that series are among the absolute best literature I've ever read for children 1st-3rd grade and I absolutely loved teaching the books to my students as well. I really don't understand why this incredible series hasn't gotten more press or is easier to find and purchase. Now my twins are older and I'm excited to have their book club read the No 1 Car Spotter series. I can't figure out what order the series goes in, though, or how to find all of the books. In deep gratitude!
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I am Atinuke. I am author of all the bright and beautiful children’s books shown here. I am also a traditional oral Nigerian storyteller.
All my books are set in Africa. And all the stories I tell as an oral storyteller originate in Africa too. There my roots go deep into the rich soil. Archives
May 2020